
Frequently Asked Questions

Who can organise an ELSA Training Session?

ELSA Training Sessions delivered by the International Trainers’ Pool can be organised by any National and Local Group of ELSA.

How do I organise an ELSA Training Session?

To organise an ELSA Training Session all you have to do is submit an ITP Training Request using the dedicated form.

How much does it cost to organise an ELSA Training Session?

ELSA Training Sessions are free, but the Organising Group shall cover the travel and accommodation costs of the ITP Trainer delivering a physical training as well as any cost occurring regarding the training itself.

Should the ELSA Training Session I organise have a specific structure?

The structure of the ELSA Training Session is up to the Organising Group and the ITP Trainer to decide, but there are specific Quality Standards that should be followed, as they are stated in the International Council Meeting Decision Book.

What should an ITP Training Request contain?

To create the ideal ITP Training Request, you should think of the 5 Ws about your Training: Who (will participate), What (will be the topic), When (will it take place), Where (will it take place), Why (what is the purpose).

How do I find the ITP Trainer I want to deliver my ELSA Training Session?

If you prefer a specific ITP Trainer to deliver your training, you can request them. In their profile, you will be able to find the topics each ITP Trainer provides; tip: if you search for a specific topic, the ITP Trainers delivering it will pop up!

What should I do after submitting an ITP Training Request?

When the ELSA Training Team finds the ITP Trainer that will deliver your training, they will get you in contact with them to further plan it; tip: submitting a request at least 1 month in advance will get you all the time you need!

Is there anything I should do after the completion of the ELSA Training Session?

After each ELSA Training Session, it is really important to evaluate it and provide useful feedback.