
ELSA Skills Academy

ELSA Skills Academy

The ELSA Skills Academy (ESA) is a certified online academy, created by the Human Resources Team and the ELSA Training Team of ELSA. It consists of 8 training sessions delivered by ELSA’s very own International Trainers’ Pool.

The Academy focuses on the personal and professional development of ELSA Officers. It aims to adequately equip them for their responsibilities within ELSA, as well as their careers beyond, by systematically training them on different soft skills that are crucial to their development.


Based on the current format, the ELSA Skills Academy Sessions take place between February and May, with two online training sessions taking place each month. It is open to National and Local Officers and the ELSA International Team.

Registrations are being held on a monthly basis and are opened a month before each of these sessions. In compliance with the quality standards of ELSA Training, each session includes up to 20 participants and the registrations are approved on a first come-first served basis.


Acknowledging the importance of certification, participants are granted a certificate for the completion of the ELSA Skills Academy by attending at least three of the eight sessions. Each certificate specifies the topics of the attended sessions.